Opgold Daily News and Activities

Friday, April 23, 2010

Please Take Me Home

Take Me Home, the new section on opgold has been released today. For all Opgold work staff, they know very well that customers may be too busy to remember to take what they ordered on the site, and it may be also too hassle to find out all the order information to check with the online customer service, which will of course also take some time during the processes.

Opgold always have the way to solve those problems for our customers. Now customers can easily find what they lost on the site simply by clicking on "Take Me Home" button on the navigation. The information will be listed on the site as a group, for example,

Payer: First Name, Last Name

Character: It's in game character name (IGN), part of the name will be marked as * due to privacy

OrderID: It's the unique order number you get on Opgold

Product Name: Maple Story Mesos 100M (I.E.)

Email: ehab9962@***.com

Order Time: 2010-4-1 19:54:47

To get your product, it is very simple and easy. You just come to online support, MSN, LiveChat, Skype or just send us email about your name and order information, Opgold will deliver you the products right after.

Just feel free to contact us, Opgold delivery team is always ready for you!

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