Opgold Daily News and Activities

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Guide to Earning MapleStory Mesos

I was searching online for good guide to farm maplestory mesos, and very luckily to find this forum to share with our readers. The name of the forum is mmorpguides.com. I will take some pharased from this great writer in the following:


Welcome to Anonymous's Guide to Money Making in MapleStory! This guide is not called Anonymous's Guide for nothing - even though MapleWiki's staff probably know who created this page, I will not say who I am, who my MapleWiki username is, who my MapleStory characters are, and so on. That cleared up, I'll get straight to the point. Mesos. Everyone who plays MapleStory, and probably everyone who is reading this guide, knows what Mesos are. Mesos = Money in MapleStory. And as nearly everyone (particularly the newbies) knows, millions of Mesos are not easy to make within a month. In fact, even with this guide, you still probably won't get to making millions a month. So how do you get that fantastic piece of equipment on sale for 4,455,555 Mesos at the Free Market before it sells out? Well, this guide won't guarantee that you get that item (in fact, there's probably a cheaper copy of the same item in another store), but it will help you make some Mesos to spend so that you can spend them on that item when you see it. Now, you probably want to see how you can do that, so...

Beware of Scams

This is not a method to make mesos, but the first, basic rule you should be aware of when dealing with your money. In a phrase, this rule will help you keep your mesos safe. In fact, you most probably already know this rule. If you don't, read Scams. The name is self-explanatory.

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