Opgold Daily News and Activities

Friday, May 28, 2010

Good Maplestory Equipments from OpGold Maplers

Dear Opgold Maplers,

We will post the competitor's good maple story equipment on this blog, and choose out the top 10 competitors and the end of this competition activity. Please hurry up and send us your good equipments to opgoldcs@gmail.com The screenshots will be required to take in your inventory, with your game ID, and also tell us your class and server

First one:

Competition acitivity on maplestory equipments

Dear maplers, here is the good news for you!

OpGold would like to take a competition activity on maplestory equipments during the Children’s Day(from 27th May, 2010 to 10th June, 2010).
To join this activity, players only need to send us pictures of your best equipments to opgoldcs@gmail.com, and say your server and class, and your character name, Opgold will find out the best equipment and give 500M mesos free to the winner, the second one 200M, and the third one 100m, others on top 10 will get 50m. And all the people that join this activity get 5m free as a little gift.
Opgold will llist the winners name on fxp forum and also on the site news
Welcome to join our activity .
Any questions, contact us on livechat or on msn: support@opgold.com

Get Free Gold on the Children's Day

Enjoy the Children's Day at OpGold! We are going to give out 5% extra game gold in your every order during this holiday. It will last for only 15 days(27th May, 2010 to 10th June, 2010).

The customer service will give you 5% extra game gold according to your purchase amount. For example, if you order 100m Maplestory mesos, you will get 105m mesos. Is that surprising? So don’t hesitate! Seizing the chance, you’ll be the lucky guy!

In addition, we like to take a competition acitivity on maplestory equipments during this holiday. Check the news page to see the details. Please click here.

Any questions, welcome to contact Opgold customer service online

MSN: support@opgold.com